Free shipping nationwide
Amir Adnan originals are exclusively sold on the official website and listed outlets. Customers are warned against unauthorized sources, likely offering counterfeit goods, with no guarantee of authenticity or quality.
No Return / Exchange outside Pakistan due to freight charges and taxes.
International shipping will be charged according to freight regulations and dollar fluctuations 💵

Privacy Policy

Amir Adnan's top priority is your privacy protection when dealing with us. To safeguard your trust, we have a policy that recognizes the importance of protecting your personal information; explaining what personal information constitutes, how we use the information, who has access to your data, and what are your rights regarding your personal information.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to websites maintained by other companies or organizations to which we link, and Amir Adnan is not responsible for any personal information you submit to third parties via our website. Please ensure that you read the Privacy Policy of such other companies or organizations before submitting your details. Your access and use of constitutes your acceptance of our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.


Use of Information

Amir Adnan collects personal information in several ways when you place an order or make an account with By registering, you are consenting to the collection of your personal data. If an order is placed with us, we need to hold personal information including your name, email address, phone numbers, home address, shipping and credit/debit card billing address (es) for the purpose of the order process. Saved card details will never be shared with third parties and will only be used to process your order, using our Payment Service provider's systems. We may also obtain information as a result of authentication or identity checks which may contain your telephone number. This number may be given to our courier for delivery services. These details allow us to process your order and to let you know the status of your order. Rest assured; your personal information is protected by an additional security layer called SSL which ensures your sensitive information is transmitted securely through an encrypted link.

We also use non-personal data such as third-party cookies to collect statistics to enhance and simplify your visit. The cookies used are both permanent and temporary cookies (session cookies). The permanent cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device for no longer than 24 months. You can easily erase cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser.

From time to time, we may change our privacy policy. We will notify you of any material changes to our Policy as required by law. We will also post an updated copy on our platforms. Please check our platforms periodically for updates.

    Terms and Conditions may use your personal data for the following purposes:
    • To create your personal account at (e.g. your name and email address)
    • To process your orders (e.g. your name, address and bank details)
    • To be able to send text message notifications of delivery status (e.g. your mobile phone number)
    • To be able to send you marketing offers such as newsletters and our catalogs (e.g. your email address, wish lists, your name and your postal address)
    • To be able to contact you in the event of any problem with the delivery of your items (e.g. telephone number, address)
    • To enable us to answer your queries and to inform you of new or changed services (e.g. your email address)
    • To notify the winners in promotions (e.g. your email address, name, home address and telephone number)Managing your account by carrying out credit checks (e.g. name, address)
    • Disclosing your data to fraud prevention agencies.
    • To be able to analyze your personal data to provide you with relevant marketing offers and information (e.g. name, buying habits)
    • To be able to validate that you are of legal age for shopping online (e.g. date of birth)

    We will only keep your data for as long as necessary to carry out our services to you or as long as we are required by law. After this your personal data will be deleted. We cannot remove your data when there is a legal storage requirement, such as bookkeeping rules or when there is a legal ground to keep the data, such as an on-going contractual relationship.

    Non-personal data is used as described above and in other ways as permitted by applicable laws, including combining non-personal data with personal data. Lastly, we do not sell your details to third party marketing companies.

     Your Rights

    You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold on you. If your data is incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant you can ask to have the information corrected or removed.


    If you have additional questions about our privacy practices you can email us at


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